In English

Do you want to improve your skills in employment law and terms, payroll management, corporate taxation or occupational safety issues? We will train you to reach new levels of expertise!

Our lectures are generally held in Finnish but we can also customize training sessions in English.
Our basic courses are open for all.
EK member companies can attend on reduced member prices, because we are a subsidiary of the Confederation of Finnish Industries EK.
We also publish manuals on Finnish employment law issues.

If you want to discuss the possibility of arranging training in English for your staff,
please contact us:

Marjo Martin

Event production & MarCom Expert | Trainings and seminars

tel. +358 9 4202 3246
mobile +358 400 416 346

Vanessa Fuller

Event production & MarCom Expert | Trainings and seminars

tel. +358 9 4202 3372
mobile +358 50 343 3082